"It is the glory of London that it is always ending and beginning anew, and that 
a visitor, with a good eye and indefatigable feet, will find in her travels all 
the Londons she has ever met in the pages of books, one atop the other, 
like the strata of the Earth."- Anna Quindlen

Greetings to all my travel blog readers out there.  You know who you are.  So sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.  But get ready....

I will be on the road again very soon, and this time my wonderful and wise cousin, Jennifer Lynn, will be by my side, keeping me sane, as much as possible, and filling my travel days with wit and conversation.  

We will be in England from August 5th through the 11th and have many exciting things already planned: Cruise on the Thames, High Tea, the British Library, Pubs galore, the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, my side adventure to see Stonehenge at sunrise.  But the highpoint will be our tickets to see Benedict Cumberbatch in Hamlet!  I don't mind saying we are chuffed.

So prepare yourselves, gentle readers, for the cousins are about to take London by storm!

Stay tuned....    
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