Beautiful Munich

Ah Munich...during Oktoberfest.

I think this is one of the best times to go...
even for tourists with no interest in
getting sloshed in the beer tents.

The entire town is decorated, both the
buildings and the people.  About a third of
the people wearing lederhosen or the
traditional dresses.  Around their necks
they wear large gingerbread hearts-
decorated with sayings in German.
Mens chests sometimes decorated with
horns and badges.  Even the kids. You could tell
 it was more than just an excuse to party-though
 partying was certainly happening.

The historic area around Marienplatz is quite
impressive.  You come up out of the metro smack in the middle of all the
 action and historic buildings.  People swirl around  you in happy groups, singing and laughing.  Outdoor cafes line the side....dining with the
Gothic Town Hall and looming church towers is worth the mark-up but I ate al fresco with a bratwurst sandwich and local brew.

On my first full day I went to the Oktoberfest fairgrounds to see
what all the fuss is about.  It could only be described as colorful
chaos.  The fair grounds go on for miles...completely covered
in carnival rides and food booths.  The Festival beer tents were
packed solid by the time I finally got into one.

I went into the Lowenbrau Tent (after a 40 minute wait).  People singing and standing on tables making toasts...beefy German waitresses barreling past with HUGE stein of Bavarian Beer...
Giant spits rotating hundreds of pork roasts and chickens...insanity.
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Aunt Sheila said...

I am so impressed with the video too. Wish I knew what they were saying in German. ("Hey Friederick, get us some more beer and schnitzel. And find out where the restrooms are!) Bess and Mama Met are so proud of you right now. :) Love, Aunt Sheila

Unknown said...

That video was awesome! Some woman goes by with a stack of...something, food? plates? about two feet high! Loving the daily updates, keep 'em coming!